

2024年09月14日(土)~ 2024年12月08日(日)
  • 期間:
    2024年09月14日(土) - 2024年12月08日(日)
  • 場所:
    滋賀県立陶芸の森 陶芸館ギャラリー
  • 入場料:


In conjunction with the special exhibition “Dynamic Asian Ceramics,” the museum is hosting a complementary exhibition titled “The Southeast Asia Contemporary Arts Born From the Artist in Residence at SCCP(the Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park.)” This exhibition focuses on contemporary artists from Southeast Asia, showcasing works created through our museum’s signature Artist-in-Residence program. It is the first time that these works will be displayed together.
This exhibition primarily features works from 10 artists from 6 countries in Southeast Asia who have participated in our residency program. It will introduce how each artist draws from their country’s history and traditions to create their unique expressions of art, as well as what their creative experiences in Shigaraki were like. Although the main exhibition does not cover them, we showcase artists from the Southeast Asian island regions of Indonesia, Singapore here. We hope that this exhibition brings a rare opportunity for visitors learn about the contemporary art scene of these lesser-known regions in Japan.




Em Vannoeun/ウム・バンヌアン《ランプ Lamp》2008年、当館蔵


Albert Yonathan Setyawan/アルベルト・ヨナタン・スティアワン《人と梟(man and owl)》2009年、当館蔵


ヌルディアン・イッサン《無題 Untitled》2008年、当館蔵


【参考画像】soe yu nwe/ソーユー ヌウェ《Naga Maedaw Serpent》2018年、Collection of Queensland Art Gallery Gallery of Modern Art Foundation

