アーティスト・トーク「鈴木秀昭 Peng Qian」
場所:会場 管理棟 視聴覚室、創作研修館スタジオ
また、文化庁補助事業交換プログラムにて中国美術学院より、彭倩(Peng Qian, Fiona)氏が現在滞在しています。
鈴木秀昭 Facebook instagram
彭倩(Peng Qian, Fiona)Facebook
<アーティスト・トーク スケジュール>
14:00~14:45 鈴木秀昭 アーティスト・トーク
14:45~15:30 彭倩(Peng Qian, Fiona)アーティスト・トーク
15:30~ 質疑応答、創作研修館見学
The SCCP will hold an artist talk by two artists SUZUKI Hideaki and Peng Qian, Fiona.
SUZUKI Hideaki, who is famous for his work of gold raster and colored over glaze, has been staying since November last year, and his staying is coming to an end.
Peng Qian Fiona, who teaches at the Chinese Academy of Art(CAA), is working on the process of replacing cloth with ceramic.
After the artist talk, you will be able to visit the studio where artists create works.
Suzuki Hideaki Facebook instagram
Peng Qian, Fiona Facebook
<Time schedule>
14:00~14:45 Artist Talk by SUZUKI, Hideaki artist talk
14:45~15:30 Artist Talk by Peng Qian, Fiona
15:30~ Question and answer, and seeing of the studio
※Japanese-English consecutive transration